The opening of proposals for the abovementioned prequalification carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) took place last Wednesday.

In such event, a total of 16 companies grouped in 6consortia submitted proposals for the prequalificationprocedure for the Route 1 PPP

The main objective of this PPP project is to increase the capacity and improve the trafficability of Route PY01, in order to improve national and regional competitiveness in terms of logistics while reducing the number of traffic accidents.

The participants were 6 consortiums: 

– 1) Consorcio Desarrollo Vial Al Sur (Sacyr Concesiones S.L. – Ocho A S.A.), 

– 2) Consorcio Rutas del MERCOSUR (Tecnoedil S.A. Constructora – Alya Constructora S.A. – ConstruparS.A. – Semisa Infraestructura S.A.), 

– 3) Consorcio Ruta del Sur (Coesa Construcão e Montagens S.A. – Constructora Asunción S. A.), 

– 4) Consorcio AG – TOCSA (AG Construcoes E Servicos S.A. – Tocsa S.A.), 

– 5) Consorcio Rutas del Sur (Cointer Concesiones S.L. – AZVI S.A.U. – Constructora Heisecke S.A.) and 

– 6) Consorcio Rutas del Sur (Acciona Concesiones S.L. – Rovella Carranza S.A. – Concret Mix S.A.).

The Identification for this Prequalification procedure is “Licitación Nro. 1288 – “Llamado DIPE N.º 01/2023. Precalificación del proyecto de inversión Público Privada para la ampliación y mejoramiento de la ruta PY01 en el tramo Cuatro Mojones -Quiindy. Longitud 108 km”.

Call for bids is expected in October (2023).

This PPP project is split into 5 milestones, capex is approx. usd 400 millions, concession term is 30 years and payment mechanism include fixed amounts in USD to be accrued once milestones (tranches) are executed (unconditional and irrevocable), availability payments for O&M services (potentially subject to certain deductions due to KPIs) and variable payments related to traffic (same structure as the only PPP project in Paraguay: Route PY02) 


In general, the PPP project works will consist of the maintenance, rehabilitation, establishment of third lanes and the integral improvement of the drainage and signaling system in the entire 

This road project is intended to increase capacity and improve the trafficability of users and to provide adequate transportation infrastructure to connect production areas with national and regional markets and international seaports.